Ajith Kumar's 50th film Mangaatha has generated a huge hype among the Tamil film goers. Even since the movie went to floors, the movie has been in the news for one or other reason. Recently, there were reports that the story of the film revolves around the betting during Indian Première League. However, Venkat Prabhu has come out to give clarification about it.
Venkat Prabhu has said that Ajith Kumar starrer upcoming film is not all about betting during cricket matches but it explores all forms of gambling. Clearing the speculations about the movie being the Tamil version of Bollywood flick Jannat, he claims that Mangaatha is not a remake of the Hindi film. In fact, he has not even seen the Hindi movie.
The director concludes that he has written the script with extreme care and caution. Especially, the second half of the film remains the highlight of Mangaatha. The movie features Ajith Kumar, Trisha Krishnan, Arjun Sarja, Vaibhav, Lakshmi Rai and others in the cast. It is expected to hit the theatres during the Independence Day.Topics: mangaatha, ajith kumar, venkat prabhu, arjun sarja, trisha krishnan
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